
Select the products you would like to buy and add them to the basket. Then go to checkout and fill in your information. In the comment field you can write if you have any wishes for the delivery, or otherwise we will deliver to the address you have given. Pay by credit card and you will receive a confirmation email. Within 1-3 days you will receive the purchased goods.

You can pay by credit card.

If you wish to return the item, the item must be in the same condition as when you bought it.

At this time, you cannot track your order.

The sizes are described in the product description.

Yes, you can cancel your order before we ship it to you.

Yes, we have SSL security in the store so all your data will be encrypted.

We offer delivery to all of Europe.

Yes, but we only offer this via email at the moment.

You are welcome to sign up for our newsletter.

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